Safe But Sound pt.5

Hatred for the brethren is a nasty fact of Church life.

That may shock you, but it is easily demonstrated. Consider the way in which we lovers of Israel write off brothers and sisters who are “Replacementists”, as though everything they believe about the Christian faith is somewhat suspect because of that single doctrinal position. “They don’t agree with my doctrine, and I insist that my doctrine is utterly biblical, so I will, at best, ignore them or even write them off as second class believers!”

“He doesn’t believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture!” can easily consign a ministry to the scrap heap! But then again, “He does believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture!” is a sentence of death as far as others are concerned! Maybe “sentence of death” is a bit strong but “dismissed from serious consideration” is not too strong! It is endemic in many Christian assemblies of all types and preachers walk on eggshells these days.

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