Why do the Nations conspire?

The UN – united in hatred against Israel ?

Today’s UN seems to be lining up for what God said He would do to the nations in the last days (Zech. 12:2-9; 14:1). Israeli Prime Minister [PM] Bibi Netanyahu, at the annual UN General Assembly [GA] meeting in Sept., blasted its animosity towards Israel: “Israel airlifted Ethiopian Jews to freedom and a new life in Israel…Yet here at the UN, Israel is absurdly accused of racism. Israel’s Arab citizens vote in our elections, serve in our parliament, preside over our courts, and have exactly the same individual rights as all other Israeli citizens. Yet here at the UN, Israel is shamefully accused of apartheid. Today, there are at least five times as many Palestinians as there were in 1948…Yet here at the UN, Israel is outrageously accused of ethnic cleansing.”

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