The Covenant stream pt 2

What has the New Covenant done for us? Peter Sammons explains

In the previous instalment, we reflected on the wonderful truth that through the covenants, God’s salvation purposes are progressively revealed. We conclude in reflecting on the realities of continuity and discontinuity as expressed in The New Covenant, of which all Gentiles are today potential beneficiaries.

As we said in the preceding article, disciples of Jesus are grafted into the covenantal promises. If they happen to be ethnically Jewish, their journey to salvation is precisely the same as that of a non-Jew; they must repent and believe. To repent means to turn away from all sin. To believe means to trust in the achievement of Jesus at Golgotha through the crucifxion AND to live a righteous life. Belief is never mere mental assent to the truth of Jesus, it is a belief that acts. It is a belief that proves itself in action.

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