Holiness – for the road

‘Building site holiness’: Philip Wren looks at life as God intended – which may not look religious at all…

In the world, someone who separates themselves might be regarded as a holy man. A hermit or monk leading a life of meditation in a cave or monastery will for many exemplify holiness. Add, asceticism and religious ritual to the separation and the picture is complete. 

For the Christian, Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of holiness. Holiness which was honed in the carpenter’s workshop and on the building site. Holiness which he had lived out, before teaching it to the people in the Sermon on the Mount. Holiness which meant that before telling us to carry the pack an extra mile he had done it many times himself1. Holiness which was able to love and forgive the rich man who refused to pay the bill and even cursed Jesus for presenting it. Those in business will know the feeling. Holiness which when landed with the responsibility of supporting his mother, brothers and sisters was able to trust His Father to provide.  

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