Safe But Sound pt.4
How can we be absolutely sure…
In these days of great crisis, it is all too easy to feel unsafe. ‘COVID 19’ has unsettled us and many people view the future with a good deal of scepticism, not to say downright fear. Will things ever again return to ‘normal’ or do we face a state of permanent uncertainty as waves of pandemics, locusts, natural disasters, cosmic events, political unrest and economic collapse come crashing in? I frankly admit that I cannot imagine how folks without a living faith in Christ can function: to be hopeless as well as helpless must be distressing beyond imagining. It is a mystery how they remain sane.
Whilst we believers have always regarded passages of Scripture like Matthew 24 as riveting, we have viewed them as if through a hazy lens: clarity was lacking. And because they lacked crystal clarity, we have not given those passages our close attention. Current events are focusing our vision. We are in the Last Days, well and truly, and we’d best wake up to the fact. It is time to open our eyes to the glorious truth: Jesus is at the door! How wonderful! Be ready!